Build guides
FMS 1400mm Corsair Tailwheel Replacement
by Motion RC
The tail wheel assembly on the FMS 1400mm Corsair is removable by removing the four screws from the outside of the fuselage, then gently prying the entire assembly straight out of the fuselage. It is not easy, but it can be done. You'll also need to loosen the grub screw holding the rudder and steering wheel's control rods to the rudder servo. The armature is connected to the wheel internally and that often holds the assembly in despite pilots pulling on the assembly. For reference, look at the picture of the complete tail assembly in the Corsair's product page, in the Spare Part section, to see how it all goes together.
If your tail wheel break is clean through the plastic strut, another alternative would be to drill a small hole into both the plastic base and the wheel strut, then epoxy a metal pin between them, and reinforce the area around the break with epoxy. This is a much simpler way to repair a broken wheel.
If your tail wheel break is clean through the plastic strut, another alternative would be to drill a small hole into both the plastic base and the wheel strut, then epoxy a metal pin between them, and reinforce the area around the break with epoxy. This is a much simpler way to repair a broken wheel.